Saturday, May 05, 2007
Things to ponder over the weekend...
1. Why don't people care about good ideas? Yet shows like Finger Eleven sell out in much bigger venues.
2. Is "midnight madness" really a cultural event?
3. It's important for people to know that as good a show as the BBC "The Office" was, the American version is fan-fucking-tastic. I've seen a few episodes from the first two seasons, and all of season 3, and I gotta say this: the Jim/Pam thing doesn't seem to mirror the Tim/Dawn thing AT ALL. You wanted to see Dawn come around, but I think Karen is much better for Jim than Pam is anyway. Here's my prediction for the season finale...when Karen, Jim, & Michael all compete for the same job at Corporate, Karen will get it. She'll move to NYC and it will provide another season's worth of angst as she no longer lives in the same city as Jim. Their relationship will hit the rocks, and Pam will continue to pine for Jim. But it won't go anywhere unless the ratings dip, when they can get Jim & Pam together and end the series. Ain't that right Big Tuna?
4. How's this for a blockbuster: Varitek, Utley, O. Cabrera & Zambrano for Morneau, K. Greene, Francoeur, and Dice-K? I just can't wait for Zee to get his ERA down below 5-ish. A Sock for a Sock, that's what I always say...
5. I am totally going to a pile of baseball games starting next week.