Monday, December 04, 2006


Brain or no brain?

I watched "Deal or No Deal" today and I gotta say that while I've seen some lame game shows over the years (The Mad Dash, Supermarket Sweep, Wheel of Fortune) I've never seen one that SO glorified people's complete lack of smarts. I'm a Jeopardy snob, sue me. However, this show, which is supposedly one of the highest ranked programs on TV, requires people to do the following in order to win money:

Pick numbers held up by supermodels

Seriously, it's that brainless. At least on The Price is Right you are required to know a little bit about gum, or cleaning products, or snack foods. On Deal or No Deal, as long as you can figure out how to choose some numbers, you can win some cash. We already have that - it's called THE LOTTO 6/49. Except that you have 49 numbers to pick from, whereas on TV you only have 24 or something like that.

So essentially, we've taken playing the 6/49, dumbed it down a bit, and put it on the air. And people are lined up around the fucking block to watch it. That astounds me.

Oh, and before I forget, the lady who was on tonight and who I guess will be on again tomorrow, told Howie Mandel that between her work and school and the kids' football games and practices, the only family time they've had in the past year was spent watching this show. Then she got all choked up and started crying. I wanted to barf, and then I wanted to punch her in the mouth for being so lame. Then I wanted to punch Howie Mandel in the mouth, but I've always sort of wanted to do that.

Mike from here.

I hate that fucking Howie Maendel.

No talent.


And you're right. That game is about the lamest thing on TV. Static is better.
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