Tuesday, November 14, 2006


My kind of town

I just spent a few days in Chicago. It was a pretty amazing city and since two of my favourite movies of all time take place there, it was an all-the-more special experience.

However, being in the USA is always a little bit of a wake-up call. Even though we are so much the same, every time I go south of the 49th (or west of the 141st) I am reminded of just how different we are. I started compiling a list of all the things I saw that were ridiculously different and thought I'd document them here, but in the end I decided not to. Rather, I thought I'd just relate two funny things that were said by a policeman in a bar. I admit I was eavesdropping, but come on, it was a POLICEMAN, in a BAR!

1. On the war in Iraq - "...and if we pull out now, what about all the people who died over there? It's all wasted! All for nothing! What about 9-11 and the twin towers and all that?"

2. On anti-war protesters - "all the chicken hawks and pedophile chasers and thieves..."

I also got to do some Native Aping which is one of my favourite things. Even better was when someone asked me for directions on the street, and even better than that was when I actually knew what they were looking for. Still better than that was when it happened a second time. I could SO live in Chicago.

I also got to add 2 ballparks top the list of places I have seen and even touched (though have yet to witness a game at).

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