Thursday, March 09, 2006
Roll Up The Rim To Get Screwed By Your Fucking Idiot Mother
One girl finds a roll up the rim to win cup. Another girls helps her roll it, and they win a Toyota worth $27,000. First girl's dad says "let's share the prize," while second girl's mum says "no way, it's ours." (At this point, the cup is in the posession of the first girl's family.) First girl's dad says "well, we were going to share but since you're so greedy we're not giving you anything."
My favourite part of the whole story is...well, okay, I have two favourite parts. The first is this:
But when the 12-year-old's mother, Nathalie Prevost, showed up, she said her family deserved to take the prize.
Prevost then called a local radio station to ask for legal advice, propelling the story into the media spotlight, said the Gazette.
So since when do you phone a RADIO STATION FOR LEGAL ADVICE YOU COMPLETE AND UTTER NIMROD?! Have you ever heard of the Law Line, or a friend who knows a lawyer? What the hell - "I think I need some legal advice in what could potentially net me as much as 30 Grand in cash...I know, I'll call the zany morning crew, Bob and Dan! They know a lot about fart jokes and sometimes give away trips to Mazatlan, so they'll probably have some pretty good insight into this question of property rights."
I'm SO glad that she's not getting any of the prize. It really does suck for her daughter, who probably stood to benefit from this stroke of pure luck before her mother made a complete balls-up of the situation.
My other favourite part: the story in the Winnipeg Free Press this morning said that the person who thought they might have been the one to throw the cup away in the first place was also considering legal action.
Maybe it was the zany morning crew, Bob and Dan, who suggested this person might have a snowball's chance in hell of making a case.