Thursday, February 23, 2006


A good day in Italy

I had this post I was working on about David Emerson and what a jackass he is, but I finally got so annoyed just looking at it that I decided to delete it. The short version is that if I saw him on the street, I'd try and poke him. Well, probably not, but I'd think about it, anyway.

So today at the Olympics a number of things happened:

1. Our long trackers won gold and silver - that was awesome! Speed skating is one of those sports that you don't ever think about except when the games roll around, and then Canada does so well and we all get totally into it.

***True story - In 1998 I spent a week as the driver for Neil Marshall when he was in a commerical. It was a Volkswagon Golf commercial only aired in Europe, but I drove him to and from the location every day. On the day it wrapped we got really - I'm talking STINKY - drunk together. Neil Marshall is now Cindy Klassen's coach, and she is the winningest Canadian Olympian ever. I am positive that somewhere along the line I had something to do with it.

2. Short trackers won a silver. Short track speed skating is even cooler than long track because there is way more G force and those relays look so crazy with all the people flailing around, and someone almost always wipes out taking a half dozen others with them. It doesn't get as much press as long track, but it should. I have never drank with short trackers, but I bet it would be fun.

3. Brad Gushue won his semi final, and will play for olympic gold on Friday. He is my favourite olympian this year. He totally put Jeff Stoughton in his place during the trials in November when Stoughton told the press that the kid wouldn't even be a factor in the tournament, and then the kid beat his sorry ass in the final. "Hope you had fun in Steinback, Jeff, sorry we'll miss you in Regina but we're going to Italy!"

5. Shannon Kleibrink lost her semifinal curling match. She still gets to play for bronze, which is cool. I hope she wins it.

4. Our men's hockey "team" lost. While I am somewhat saddened by this because I like Canada to win lots of stuff, ever since they brought pros into the hockey competition I think it has been kind of lame. It's like Canada and the US are trying to buy themselves a trophy, and it just doesn't seem right. These guys make millions of dollars while other olympians do it for love. They don't even show up for the beginning of the games, and well, they're just not a team.

Look at the women - when they won it was cool because they ARE a team. They play together all the time, travel, practise, and work together. The men are all like "Okay, we'll put our lives on hold for a week (not two, mind you) and come and win a gold for Canada." But >ahem<.

That's all I'll say.

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