Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Walking in a winter wonderland, looking forward to spring training!

Thanks CBC for the images...
Winnipeg awoke to not just a blanket of snow, but one of those old quilts your grandparents used...really heavy, really soft, and just a bit dangerous. I heard on the radio that there were almost 500 reported claims to our provincial insurance company today alone.
I love snowstorms - the madness, the whiteness, the fact that every time it happens people wonder why. Canada is a winter country (well, not you BC!) and we should be prepared. Yet we're always caught off guard. I think it's pretty funny really.
Yay, winter is finally here!
Now to more pressing business. Today the Winnipeg Goldeyes professional baseball club named pitching coach Rick Forney as their new Field Manager. To me, this is good news. Rick has been with the team for quite a while now (6 years) and learned well from his mentor and former manager Hal Lanier. I firmly believe that the team will benefit. After all, part of what has made the Northern League great is its propensity for getting people back into The Show. Rick has experience in organized ball, but he also understands the indy leagues. What better place to start your managing career? Who better to lead this team that desperately wants back into the playoffs?
We play Fargo-Moorehead 4 times in the pre-season and then the first game of the 2006 season will be against Hal Lanier and the Joliet Jackhammers. That will be fun...