Monday, September 12, 2005


Things that make you go AAAAAAARGGGGHHHH!

I watched TV news last night for the first time since the lockout began. It was BAD! Memo to CBC brass - get a scab who can actually read! There was a nice item on people in Quebec who fill their gas tanks really slowly as a protest against pump prices, and maybe something else but it was all pretty lame. then they switched to BBC news which while it is nice, it's not what CBC should be doing.

Oh hey - I got a letter from Liza Frulla, Minister of canadian Heritage, about the letter I wrote her asking that she get involved. Actually, it wasn't her that responded, it was some guy named Luc Rouleau, who is Director of Ministerial Correspondance Secreteriat:

The Minister appreciates your advising her of
your views and hascarefully noted your comments
with respect to this matter. While theDepartment
of Canadian Heritage is responsible for overall
broadcastingpolicy and legislation, the CBC operates
independently of the Governmentunder a framework provided in the Broadcasting
Act. As an autonomous Crowncorporation, its Board of Directors
and senior management are responsiblefor its day-to-day operations, including
its labour relations.

In view of the autonomy of the CBC, you might
wish to share yourviews directly with Mr. Robert
Rabinovitch, its President and ChiefExecutive Officer, at the
address provided in the enclosure.

So there you go. Thank you for passing the buck, M. Rouleau. I
guess I'll write to Mr. Rabinovitch.

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