Sunday, October 30, 2005


World Champions and one really pressing question

I missed the entire world series. I worked every night it was on. I had the radio feed, and I even tried to get the on-line video, but alas it's not allowed here in Canada.

And Chicago won. Too bad the other Sox were not in The Show, but whatever, as long as A) the Yankees didn't make it, and B) Houston (read, anything to do with all things Bush) didn't win it, and C) Roger Clemens didn't win. I don't like that guy. Hello Splitsville, thanks for noticing!

Now then...

What does Contest Girl do now that Brent lives in Toronto? Who is that INTERN they have asking questions on Saturday mornings?

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Just catching my breath

October is a busy time. Lots of work, little time for play. A few blocks away from where I work a 17 year old kid got killed when he was caught in the crossfire of a gang war. Since it happened, the politicians and the police have vowed to crack down on the gangs in this inner-city, one of the poorest in Canada.

Some are bemoaning the fact that it took a nice kid from a private school getting killed to attract the attention of the cops to our little corner, and there's probably some truth to that. There's lots of bad stuff that happens around here, but at the time there's a lot of bad stuff that happens in the suburbs, too. Either way, it's a little disconcerting.

In the meantime, I just keep on keeping on, being glad that CBC is back on the air and listening to the ball game on the web.

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